03 August 2021

Covid-Delta and the Provincetown Outbreak

To my mind, it's the elephant in the room that no side wants to acknowledge. There's been a lot of recent press surrounding the Covid-Delta outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts. This was a 'breakthrough' case of a group of 469 Covid-positive people. Of this group about 75% of them were vaccinated and yet nevertheless became infected by the virus. No one died and barely anyone was seriously affected which by some estimations actually testifies to the vaccine's potency. Given what the Delta variant is doing across the rest of the country the fact that only five people (of the 469) were hospitalised is noteworthy.

*As of today the outbreak has grown to almost one-thousand people.

Others are using this occasion to launch a full assault. Some are suggesting the vaccines are worthless. They don't work and it's all a waste of time. In some cases these are the same people that at other times will argue the virus itself is a hoax – except when China is mentioned, then it's quite serious and represents a massive attack on America.

On the more extreme side of things some of the anti-vaxx crowd is arguing that the vaccines are actually producing mutations or virus variants and therefore it's the vaccine campaign itself that's putting everyone in danger.

This would be somewhat laughable but the implications are dire because these people are being taken seriously. There's no evidence to suggest the vaccines have generated more potent variants but anyone following the news is aware that the Delta variant began to appear in the developing world, in places like India where people are struggling to have access to the vaccine. The virus has been allowed to run rampant and it has mutated and now through unvaccinated people it has a broad and easy entry point into the populations of the Western world.

Where is the Delta variant most potent? In the areas where vaccination rates are high? No. It's overwhelmingly in parts of the United States inhabited by Trumpites, Evangelicals, and Right-wing people – the places where vaccination rates are low. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true.

So then how do we explain Provincetown? I think the explanation is simple but you'll never hear it on the mainstream news. Provincetown is a sodomite haven and as is well known sodomites are often immuno-compromised. Not a few are taking anti-retroviral drugs to combat HIV. Others are carrying hepatitis or are just sickly. It's a consequence of their depravity. The Provincetown outbreak was in the context of a sodomite party scene – which most readers will understand what that entails.

Thus the outbreak was an atypical scenario. There are plenty of vaccinated people sitting in crowded bars in nearby Boston, Providence, and elsewhere and yet we're not seeing outbreaks there. It happened in Provincetown and there's a reason for it. In that kind of setting, coupled with that kind of behaviour, vaccine effectiveness may in fact reach its limits.

But even so – these vaccinated people (a group which seems to be compromised of large numbers of sodomites) barely got sick. If anything it testifies to the potency and effectiveness of the vaccine.

But you'll never hear this from the mainstream media – or from Right-wing sources for that matter. The Provincetown episode challenges their narratives regarding both Covid and disgusting immoral behaviour the culture wishes to accept as normative.

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