19 February 2023

Contextualising US Hypocrisy and Why China has Nothing to Lose in Arming Russia

The hypocrisy of the United States knows no boundaries. We've seen this time and again, but it's still shocking to behold.

The latest episode is with regard to Ukraine. The US is threatening that China would be crossing a red line if it provides lethal arms and other weaponry to Russia. It would be unacceptable.

This is coming from the most powerful member of a thirty nation military alliance that has completely bankrolled Ukraine's war – and helped set the stage for the war by its continued expansion.

Even after months of denial, Western strategists, commentators, politicians, and military figures now openly admit that NATO is in a proxy war with Russia. And we have revelations which suggest the US is involved in terrorist sabotage and had planned the removal of Nordstream even prior to the invasion. In other words the real architects of the war are not found in Moscow – but in Washington.

Russia is an aggressor to be sure but such a statement cannot be made without qualification. As Lula and other political leaders have indicated the onus or fault for this war cannot simply be laid at the feet of Moscow.

Who is the US to be drawing red lines? Who is the US to think it has moral standing in this war? It's absurd and offensive.

I do not want to see China funnel arms into the war, but neither do I want to see NATO doing the same. Either way the war is perpetuated and risks expansion and dangerous escalation. While Zelenskiy is in power there can be no peace because he won't negotiate and even if pressured to do so – it's hard to see how he can pivot. He has made too many absolute statements and would lose all credibility were he to negotiate. As long as he continues in office and the weapons keep pouring in from NATO – there can be no peace. Ngo Dinh Diem is who comes to mind when I think of Zelenskiy. A hypocrite and megalomaniac he eventually became a liability and was removed.

Look at it from Beijing's standpoint. The US has openly declared its hostility and has all but proclaimed that they are preparing for war with Beijing. It's clear enough that the plan was to knock Russia out of the picture before turning to China in earnest – a strategy I've been writing about for years. The sooner Russia's war (and possibly government) collapses, the sooner Beijing will feel the full force of Washington's plan. It's entirely within their interest to keep the Ukraine War going. When it began a year ago, the stakes were not as clearly defined as now. Xi has nothing to lose and I'm sure Putin is fairly desperate.

China's arming of Russia has the potential to turn the tide – akin to what Russia did in Syria – something that still enrages the American Establishment. The US plan for Ukraine risks being thwarted and the larger geo-strategic plan delayed. This is why you have the top US diplomats speaking in such strong terms. How they can do so and keep a straight face is anyone's guess.

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