12 February 2023

The Christian Post on Super Bowl Athletes and Newsmax

Two headlines at The Christian Post recently caught my eye. As expected the Evangelical outlet wants to praise the Christian football players involved in the Super Bowl.

What Christian players?

You mean the sports figures that put Christ into the back seat so that they could gain riches and fame? The Christians who miss Church on a regular basis for something more important – the spotlight? Are we supposed to be impressed with these young men who are rich beyond belief and then in all their wisdom marry models – godly women no doubt, and spend their 'earnings' on mansions, sports cars, and jewelry?

What Christian players? Is this some kind of joke?

Because they're famous they get a pass. If a Christian husband and father behaved that way in the context of a local church, he would not be celebrated but rebuked. Say he was a salesman who chased the dollar and made millions, missed church all the time, and yet had the mansion, cars, and jewelry. What would people think of him? They would say he's got his priorities all wrong. He's a bad father, a bad husband, a bad Christian even.

But because you're famous and you throw out little phrases about how it's all for Christ or something to that effect – then all is well.

And what is professional football but a big scam? How many Christian men waste their Sundays and frankly much of their lives chasing after this vapor? How many know all the stats and the ins and outs of the game but don't know their Bibles? They could use the day profitably but instead they sit staring at a screen watching an event that is basically just a big commercial. They're after your wallet and they're stealing your time.

And then I'm supposed to be impressed with these Christian players and coaches who are involved?

But that's The Christian Post for you. If some hooker, pop star, or Hollywood actress (they're often the same) says 'Jesus' and garners some national attention, they'll be quick to cover it. That's all they care about – well, except when their allies make fools of themselves. Normally they love to cover ever kind of sordid reality television event, as long as it touches on the Evangelical periphery but they sure didn't cover Sarah Palin singing her raunchy rap song on Masked Singer. Wow, I wonder why?

And then according to The Christian Post we're supposed to be upset that Newsmax is getting dropped from some cable and satellite networks. After all it's the most 'faith friendly' channel out there!

What faith? The Christian faith?

Surely they cannot mean that. Christianity is about truth. Newsmax has no interest in the truth. Its record of lies is well established. It actively promotes them and even just looking at the listings of staff and show hosts is to gaze upon a rather stunning display of itemized mendacity – a true list of liars, criminals, and there are even some out and out fascists in the mix. Truth and the name Shawn Spicer certainly don't belong in the same sentence. It's almost as ridiculous as Sarah Huckabee posing as some kind of truth-hawk or anti-feminist. Are the clocks striking thirteen or what? Apparently lies are faith friendly – it just so happens that wouldn't include the Christian faith. The 'Christianity' one encounters on Newsmax is a counterfeit, a syncretism, that's more about America, Trump, and Right-wing politics than the teachings of the apostles.

I guess the only thing more ridiculous is the idea that the Christian Post is somehow a Christian publication. Clearly no one that works for that organisation has any familiarity with the revealed religion presented on the pages of the New Testament. If they did, they would be appalled by what that organisation is about and what it produces and they would leave in a hurry.

We have Christian sports stars that aren't Christian. Disobedience is praised when it generates money and fame. Lies are okay when they serve the political agenda. Truth is rejected when it doesn't. And apparently Christian news reporting involves puffing any story or person willing to pay lip service to the name of Christ but anyone who comes in His name and calls them or their allies to account – they are hated.

If this isn't a case of a having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof, then I don't know what is.  

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