20 November 2023

Biden and the Rules of War


Responding to the 7 October attack on Israel, US president Joe Biden condemned Hamas and rightly so. But then he proceeded to make some rather astonishing remarks – remarks that should offend anyone who has followed events for the past several decades, anyone in possession of a conscience.

He appealed to the fact that democracies are made stronger because they follow the 'rule of law'.

Is he trying to suggest America follows the rule of law in its international dealings? There's no double standard in how the US operates? What about Israel? Does Israel follow the rule of law in its dealings with the Palestinians or other nations in the Middle East? Is it following the rule of law when it is in possession of a secret nuclear programme, when it forces Palestinians from land granted to them in a legal framework, or when it assassinates Iranian scientists?

Biden says that terrorists purposely target civilians and kill them. By this definition the US was a terrorist state with its indiscriminate bombings of German and Japanese civilians – not to mention its use of nuclear bombs. By any definition of war crimes – the US stands condemned for what it did in Korea and Vietnam. The US committed atrocities in these wars.

Did the US follow the rule of law when it conducted medical experiments on the poor in other countries, when it erected unsanctioned unilateral no-fly-zones in Iraq, and enacted sanctions that led to over a million deaths including over 500,000 children?

Did the US follow the rule of law in its machinations to invade Iraq, in its literally dozens of regime change operations over the past century – and its participation in genocide in places like Indonesia. Did the US follow the rule of law when it backed countless dictatorial regimes that imprisoned, tortured, disappeared, and slaughtered their civilian populations?

'We uphold the laws of war,' says Biden.

Did America uphold these laws in Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki? Once again, what about Korea and Vietnam? What about Indonesia? What about its proxy wars in Central America? This could get exhausting as we could easily construct a list that would go on for pages and pages. We could talk about US manipulation of its allies, the overthrow of regimes, its collaboration with terrorists, Nazis, and so much more. We could talk about its kidnapping and torture programmes, its assassinations, and its endless and incessant bombing and drone campaigns.

Biden's statement is so absurd that it's beyond comprehension. The man should be tried as a war criminal just for making such a statement. Will no one hold him to account? Where's the outrage?

The media sure won't lift a finger and that would include his opponents on the Right. They'll criticise him to be sure but they won't tell the truth either. They won't call out the lies that roll of his tongue. Why? They're just as much a part of it.

Will the Roman Catholic Church hold him to account? Will the American Left?

Black is white and white is black – evil good and good evil in Biden's world and in the world of the American Imperial Establishment.

What a grip Satan has on a society when lies like this reign. And don't be fooled, the Evangelical community embraces these same myths and lies with fervour and immeasurable zeal. They too are part of the evil, of the deceit. They too are captive to the god of this world and his reign of darkness. Apostates, they wipe their mouths and pretend they've done nothing wrong. The truth is the US is responsible for millions of deaths – directly and indirectly. And it is likewise responsible for great suffering as its wars and thefts have overturned and destroyed societies and cultures.

The Zionist state is America's proxy in the Middle East. The two entities are in a symbiotic relationship. Tel Aviv through its agents in the American political class (which would certainly include the bloodthirsty Evangelicals) can put pressure on Washington, but in the end the United States holds the purse strings and has the diplomatic muscle. Zionist Israel could not do what it does without Washington's support – not to mention its money and weapons. And Netanyahu could not wage his murderous war without the US. Biden's fingerprints are all over this war and he bears responsibility for it as do the wolves that lead the Evangelical faction, the agents of the Beast that masquerade as servants of Christ and His Church.

What a world of lies. Sometimes it's just overwhelming and one is left almost speechless by it.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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