08 June 2024

A Dragon Pretending to be a Lamb


Without a doubt the Church is filled with compromisers and led by men that have capitulated and even bowed to the world. We were warned of this in the New Testament.

But this condemnation does not belong exclusively to theological liberals and/or those that have embraced Left-wing politics. The same is true when it comes to those that have embraced Right-wing thinking, Enlightenment categories of economics and politics, those that promote mammonism, nationalism, and champion war and empire - even while denying they do so.

The likes of Ted Cruz have done more harm to the testimony of the Church than anyone else and have provoked the very societal reaction they so abhor. Are the pro-Sodomite pseudo-Christians an offense? Most certainly. But the corruption exhibited by someone like Cruz when it comes to power and money is (in the end) just as repulsive and perhaps even more destructive. No serious Christians are led astray by attempts at Sodomite theology but they are misled by self-serving wolves like Cruz and other Christian leaders that have strayed so far from the already flawed principles of a generation ago, that now they are supporting a would-be dictator, a degenerate, a criminal, pervert, and monster - and arguing this is the Christian thing to do. Men like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson helped to destroy the Evangelical movement, but its leaders today are taking it into a functional apostasy.

Is Cruz worried about Marxist thought infiltrating the Church? I find little of it but I do find a growing affinity for fascism and fascistic tendencies - that can be identified by studying history, but are sure to be missed by those epistemologically enslaved to the FOX channel. Cruz is part of this and so I find it absurd that he's going to place himself in the position of commentator, even while he appears on a ridiculous network like Glenn Beck's The Blaze.

The truth is Cruz and his ilk represent a new counterfeit form of Christianity. Their real religion is American Nationalism with its worship of wealth and power. They are mammonists and Babel-builders. As such these folks find common cause with not just Evangelicals and Confessionalists, but so-called Traditionalist Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jews, and secular Right-wing demagogues. For so many in these circles, religious ideology is secondary. They may not get along on Sunday morning but Monday thru Saturday these folks are in full alignment in their embrace of hard-right politics. It consumes them and provides a basis for 'spiritual' fellowship. There is no Christian fellowship here as the Christianity they're interested in has nothing to do with the New Testament. It's only purpose is to buttress and provide a matrix for their political and cultural activities to be energized and grow.

But they do share a religious fellowship. It just happens to be a religion other than Christianity.

Cruz is right - we live in a world of lies and he's very much part of it. And as far as the money-changers - that's the party Cruz is member of. Godliness is gain. His life testifies to this as does his marriage. His wife is a banker for Goldman-Sachs.

And as far as milquetoasts - Cruz is the poster child. His capitulation to Trump in 2016 provides a textbook example of political spinelessness.

Right now it takes courage to stand up and say the Evangelical movement is bowing to the world and assimilating its values regarding mammon and things like feminism, psychology, and divorce.

And it takes courage to shout out that Christo-Trumpism is satanic and that it's actually far more of a threat to the Church than the paltry schizophrenic pseudo-leftism of the Obama-Biden-Pelosi Democratic Party. These people are nothing. They can't harm the Church. Will they harm America? Sure, but so will Trump and his lot. So it makes little difference to me. America is not my home. It's a wicked empire and so while living as an exile in Babylon-Rome, it's lot is far from being a major concern.

The real threat is not from 'Woke Cultural Marxists', a meaningless category driven by phoney narratives. No, the real threat is from false Christian leaders like Cruz that come in the name of Christ and yet in reality represent a completely different religion with a parallel theology and a set of ethics antithetical to New Testament Christianity.

Obama, Biden, and Pelosi are lost people. Trump is perhaps one of the most lost people I've ever seen in my life. The truth is most people like Trump are rotting in jail cells.

But Cruz - he's a garden variety wolf in sheep's clothing and there's an army of them on the loose tearing apart the Church and working toward its destruction. They are deceived deceivers. For the most part they are sincere and believe they're serving Christ but it's clear they don't know Him. You shall know a tree by its fruit.

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