30 July 2024

Netanyahu Exploits the Golan Heights

Over the weekend a missile struck the Golan Heights killing about a dozen Druze children. The Netanyahu government has been looking for an excuse to escalate and expand the war and as such they've been playing up this incident.

Western media and in particular Right-wing and Evangelical outlets are playing their part in this - misleading the audience as to the nature of the people killed. If you're not listening closely you might think they are Israelis who died - and yet that's not exactly the case.

These are Druze who were forced into an Israeli occupation in 1967. Many refuse Israeli citizenship and consider themselves to be Syrian. For the record there are numerous Druze in Israel but the bulk are found in Syria and Lebanon. And the Golan Heights was Syria until the Six Day War.

Israel claims them but they don't want to be claimed. Looking for a photo-op, Netanyahu showed up at the site but was jeered and booed by the people there. They don't want his sympathy and they knew that we just looking to exploit them. This was covered internationally but largely ignored in the United States.

Now the rocket may indeed have been from Hezbollah - we don't know and both sides are proverbial liars. There's been a 'missile war' going on for months. Hezbollah is compelled to do something to aid Gaza - at the very least to divert Israeli resources and yet by all accounts they don't want a war at this time. But Netanyahu does and in recent days we've seen Israel striking multiple locales - Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. Netanyahu wants a war - he needs a war for his political survival. A sociopathic monster and butcher, he cares nothing for human life. The apostasy of American Christianity was on full display as the 'Christians' in congress (in a manner reminiscent of North Korea) sought to outdo each other in lauding this mass murderer and serial liar. It was a stunning moment - one of evident judgment on the American Church and its capitulation to the god of this world and the American Beast. The Church should be outraged but instead everyone is fretting over the perversity of the Paris opening ceremony - a debauchery that was fully expected.

And so it was no surprise to learn that Israel has now launched a strike into the heart of Beirut seeking to kill a Hezbollah commander - demanding a response, which they will then respond to - and so the escalation goes. A war with Hezbollah opens to the door to the real war Netanyahu and his American allies want - Iran.

Listening to the coverage in recent days on Christian radio I've been struck by the level of deception - half-truths and outright lies. The end justifies the means - that's the ethic of American Evangelicalism. Factor in Dispensational Theology (which though on the decline, still predominates) and there's a doctrinal justification and imperative for Zionist slaughter.

If Netanyahu can escalate the war, then a Harris administration will be forced to support him. The idea that Biden has failed to fully support Israel is a complete falsehood. Biden could end it immediately if he wanted to. Most of what has been seen is theatre and an attempt to manage public perception. The Raffa episode alone was telling.

Don't be fooled by all the hostage talk. Netanyahu cares nothing for the hostages. The Hannibal Directive is in force and possibly led to several dozen (or even hundred) deaths on 7 October 2023. The directive (which is openly discussed even in Zionist outlets such as Haaretz) calls on the IDF to kill Israeli civilians in order to prevent them from being taken hostage - so that Tel Aviv will not be forced to negotiate. If Netanyahu can free some - it's a feather in his cap but as far as he's concerned they're dead and he's not going to change his plans to secure their release. Needless to say the Hannibal Directive and recent revelations concerning it are all but ignored by Western media outlets.

Additionally they contribute to another misperception - the scope of the slaughter and destruction in Gaza. Even if the war ends tomorrow, there is still an acute crisis as over a million Gazans are living in the rubble facing starvation and disease - another Netanyahu objective. And there is no indication that Israel will lift sanctions and as such aid and reconstruction are all but impossible. The Israeli government lies with abandon and the US engages in absurdist theatre with floating piers.

The death toll sits at just under 40,000 but the real total by some estimations (such as The Lancet) place the total at over 100,000. This includes not just the thousands buried in the rubble but the growing number of indirect deaths due to starvation, disease, and denial of medical care due to the blockade and the deliberate destruction of all infrastructure. The real death toll for Gaza is akin to percentages seen in some of the worst affected nations of World War II - but in less than a year. If Netanyahu is not a war criminal, then the concept no longer has any meaning.

And obviously if Trump wins in November - Netanyahu and his barbarism will be given carte blanche. A regional war will ensue and one that will necessarily involve the United States.

All Christians should be appalled, but that's not the case in America where Christianity is in most cases a hybrid religion - blended with nationalist ideals and mythology, and the soulless dictums of Enlightenment thought. One wonders if these people are even reachable or simply handed over. Instead of denouncing this evil, it is celebrated with churches hanging Israeli flags in their auditoriums and I daily drive pass 'Christian' homes with an array of Scripture signs, Trump banners, and Israeli flags. The fascism of Trump and Netanyahu are lauded and defended on Christian radio. This has to be answered for and I tremble when I think of the judgment that is coming - that is in many respects already here. Jeremiah 5 comes to mind - especially the part about the prophets prophesy falsely... and my people love to have it so.

For those interested in a portrait of Druze life in the Golan Heights, I recommend the 2004 film - The Syrian Bride.

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