20 July 2024

The GOP's Sociopathic Behaviour Regarding Israel

Watching a PBS Frontline episode on campus violence the other night I fully expected to see some clips of the congressional hearing with university presidents - a dialogue that was largely misrepresented in the mainstream media. It goes without saying this was misrepresented by the Right.

Once again, New York congresswoman Elise Stefanik was the moral hero - it was almost like she was set up for the moment. She is after all a rising star within the GOP.

And yet what morals does she represent? The fact that she is championed represents a kind of sociopathy within Republican circles - and a bankrupt media that won't expose these facts.

Stefanik is connected to figures that actively promote The Great Replacement narrative - and indeed she promotes it herself. And while she would undoubtedly attempt to limit her statements to border security, the theory rests on the idea of elites planning the destruction of White Christian society and culture. These elites are invariably Jews - mostly secular Jews in alliance with other humanists. The theory is very popular in the Far Right and in circles that are explicit in their Right-based Anti-Semitism.

But this is okay - it's only when the Left is critical of the Zionist state that we should be concerned about Anti-Semitism. There's no doubt that some of the protests took an ugly turn and bitterness toward Israel spilled over into Anti-Semitic expressions but to relegate the protests as such is simply false and ignores the fact that significant numbers of protesters were in fact Jews.

The Republicans cannot see their hypocrisy on this point. And the pro-Israel mainstream media has done very little to clarify these points.

Further, Stefanik visited Israel in May 2024 and openly bashed Biden in the Israeli Knesset. This was lauded in Right-wing media circles.

How do you think they would have reacted if a Democrat had gone over to Israel and bashed a Republican president?

We have some idea, albeit on a much lesser scale. All we have to do is think back to 2003 and the eve of the Iraq invasion. The Dixie Chicks were playing in London and singer Natalie Maines criticised George Bush's pending military assault and suggested the band was ashamed that he hailed from Texas (which was also their home).

The Dixie Chicks were subjected to an all out campaign of condemnation and censorship. Their songs were pulled from radio stations and their albums were destroyed in public displays of ritualistic nationalism. They were reviled as traitors and their sin was exacerbated because the statements were made outside the United States.

Why then is Stefanik off the hook?

Why wasn't she condemned, called a traitor, and driven into political exile?

Because the Republicans are sociopaths. They operate with the moral code common to criminals and other anti-social elements. The rules they tout don't apply to them. They are above all judgment and examination. They are never guilty. They can do whatever they want because they're right by virtue of who they are. They have no conscience which demonstrates that collectively they have been handed over to judgment.

Donald Trump is the apotheosis of this moral degeneracy. The same will undoubtedly prove the case with regard to his recent shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania. No one has done more to promote political violence than Trump - and yet he and his cult are already crying foul and attempting to pin the blame on their political opponents in the DNC - for creating the climate and conditions for this to take place, for stoking the flames as it were. Are they really this blind?

It's no surprise that this kind of reprobate thinking now permeates the Church and has led to myriad Christians supporting a fascistic demagogue who lives by the same code. Christian politicking has led to evil alliances and the destruction of all integrity. This poison and cancerous morality and thinking has like a mortal virus infected the Church and the result is the growing functional apostasy we are witnessing before our eyes. They come in the name of Christ but it's clear to anyone rooted in Scripture that they not only don't know Him - they hate Him, His Kingdom, and all He stands for.

We know a tree by its fruit. The moral bankruptcy that is Christo-Trumpism is also playing out in the unwavering Christian support for Israel's mass slaughter of the Palestinians in a scenario that would be impossible without US sanction. Motivated by political alliance, heresy, and the rotten ethics they live by, they continue to provide unquestioning support for the Butcher of Gaza, the scoundrel and serial liar that is Benjamin Netanyahu - another sociopath. They would not tolerate such conduct in other settings but this is their ally and the war serves their purposes - so it must be right.

And so they go on deceiving and being deceived.

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