09 October 2014

Ben Carson on 2016: Anarchy, Martial Law and No Election?

Rising star Ben Carson suggests there might not be a 2016 election. The country may be in a state of anarchy.

Be afraid!

Get your guns!

Obama is coming to get you!

Buy gold!

Stock up!

I think many of these people actually hope it would happen. They're itching for a fight.

Three Observations....

First, Carson wouldn't be getting any attention except for the fact that he's an African-American conservative.

Any minority who is willing to embrace the conservative political line will be rocketed into stardom, so desperate are they to escape the charge of racism. Even if you're something of a buffoon like Bobby Jindal, the unwritten conservative version of Affirmative Action will make you a star. The same is true in Academia. I'm thinking of Thomas Sowell.

Second, though Carson is a member of a cult, this is happily overlooked because he's signed on to the critical aspect of modern Evangelical orthodoxy and that's a political one. As long as you've signed on to the Culture War and the Western Civilization/Christendom/Kingdom narrative... then you are reckoned a Christian.

The Gospel is Dominionism and indeed it's open to all.

Third, with regard to 2016, there's one thing we can indeed count on. And that's the fact that nothing will change. The same Establishment people will be running the country and whoever is president will operate within their circle. The Good Old Boy Network will continue to flourish, our economy of theft and deceit will continue to function, the United States will continue to wage the wars of Empire and society will continue its march toward self-destruction.

And the American Church will continue in its path of apostasy, idolatry and decadence.