22 September 2019

Samantha Power: A Right-wing Democrat

The review provides some interesting insight into one such as Power. During her tenure she was viewed by the Right as a Leftist, part of a Far-Left administration. As I and others continue to insist, today's DNC is not really a Left-wing political entity. There's a Left-wing within its ranks, one that duplicitous figures like Sanders and Warren are labouring to keep within its larger sphere. And yet there are also Centrists and then there are those that could be called Democratic Right. And they're not a small faction. In fact they dominate the party.*

Yes, these folks may be less than socially conservative. Conservatism and Right-wing are not always the same thing. Our modern Left-Right divide embraces the assumptions of the Enlightenment and thus in a historical sense, all our politics are in fact Liberal. Modern political Conservatism is sometimes a reactionary tendency within this spectrum and in more recent times it often borrows values from pre-Enlightenment paradigms and thus in some ways schizophrenically and thus inconsistently transcends our contemporary spectrum. The analysis is of course complicated and to some degree subjective. And yet in general terms today's American Democrats while 'progressive' on certain points are nevertheless Right-wing when it comes to certain foundational aspects of the political order. Are they always consistent? No. Have some come from a more radical past? Yes. Some even embrace radical language when it suits them or when campaigning. But once in power their Right-wing proclivities show. The Clintons and Obama exemplify this. In the UK we find a parallel in the Labour Party and figures like Tony Blair.
These Right-wing Democrats may be ambivalent with regard to sodomy but willing to endorse it politically. They may be ambivalent on abortion but any opposition they might have pales in the face of party loyalty. As far as feminism goes, that ethos reigns supreme in both parties. Its style is sometimes different but I genuinely laugh at supposed GOP anti-feminists who champion Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Condoleeza Rice and the like. Feminists all, their styles differ from one another and from figures like Hilary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi or even Jill Biden.
But Samantha Power is certainly part of the large faction of Democrats that remain loyal to the Right-wing assumptions and proclivities of American dominated Atlanticism and the post-war Americo-centric economic order. In other words they wholeheartedly support the broad strokes of both the Wall Street and Pentagon systems. They are rabid advocates of American Empire and unipolarity. That cannot be called a Left-wing position.
These are hardly the intellectual or idealistic descendants of SDS or the Black Panthers, let alone the Weather Underground. Additionally by the standards of international politics today's DNC would qualify as Centrist or perhaps Centre-Right.
Samantha Power champions US imperialism and the use of its military might to compel other countries to bow in homage and submission to US power and policies. Any entity which challenges this US dominating paradigm is immediately a force for evil that is demonised and subjected to threat.
She willingly and even energetically threw herself in the propaganda campaigns waged by the United States to achieve its goals. This was true whether one looks at the Middle East or East Asia. Assertive to the point of being reckless Power may seem like a voice of moderation when compared to someone like John Bolton who also was Washington's UN Ambassador under GW Bush. And yet, in reality, in terms of substance, they're not all that different. The issue as is so often the case is one of style. Just as Bolton would demonise anyone who calls out and would expose the evils of US policy, Power likewise champions the lies of the White House, the Pentagon, Langley and the narratives of the Establishment think-tanks. She whitewashes American crimes even while she pretends to be a Cassandra, desperately pleading with the public to heed her warnings. Instead we find she's really an American version of Ri Chun-hee, the famous if absurd news reader for the equally deceitful Pyongyang regime. She certainly played that role at the UN. As ambassador her tenure was a disgusting performance of deceit, warmongering and manipulation.
Did the Obama administration try to reach out to Iran, did it not always fully support the Netanyahu regime in Tel Aviv?  While these issues were made into existential questions by the American Right, the truth is once again a question of style. Today's Republicans have forgotten their own history. They've forgotten GHW Bush's rocky even antagonistic relationship with Tel Aviv and they've also whitewashed the history surrounding Reagan's meetings with Gorbachev and Nixon's rapprochement with China. These moves were castigated by the American Right at the time. It was only later that these criticisms disappeared down the memory hole and were transformed into moments of glory and triumph.
Netanyahu's Likud antagonised Obama and went around his back trying to subvert him. Likud has a longstanding and very close relationship with the GOP and functioned as its agent. It's hardly surprising that Obama was less than keen to work closely with them.
With regard to Iran, the difference wasn't a question of ethics or a different view of America, or some kind of inherent weakness to be found in Obama, Power and their fellows. Rather, Obama saw Iran as the lynchpin to dialing down the Middle Eastern war-chaos brought on by George Bush and exacerbated by Obama himself. Why the shift?
Obama told us. China. He made it clear he wanted to 'pivot' and begin to focus more on the East Asian theatre. This isn't a question of weakness but a difference with regard to strategy and one that lives on in the Trump era. Both camps support the assumptions of US imperialism and wish to promote it. For the Republicans to refer to Obama (and thus Power) as being weak, or hating America is pure rubbish, sound-byte candy for their ignorant masses and FOX news viewers.
Was Power then in agreement with someone like Michael Flynn that sees Moscow as a natural ally and the real threat being that of China? No, but again that doesn't mean Power is a Leftist. If anything Power belongs to the ultra-warmongering camp that wants to take on both Russia and then China after that.
Some critics who would make that case that Power is an über-Leftist might point to her husband Cass Sunstein who has argued for forms of paternalism, but again this assumes the current Market-based imperialist model. His advocacy of censorship and government infiltration of groups who question the Establishment consensus are in keeping with the Right's continued advocacy of McCarthy and J Edgar Hoover-ite policies with regard to 'subversives', non-conformists and dissidents.
Sunstein and Power represent the same Establishment long opposed by the actual Left in the United States. The real marvel is not that a 'Leftist' like Power attained high office. She's not a leftist. The marvel is that the American Left is nearly dead. It has been seduced in some cases and in others merely lulled to sleep.
The notion that Power would present herself as an Idealist and then take the stage and receive accolade from one such as Henry Kissinger is enough to make anyone guffaw and roll their eyes. Evidently she is not a serious person and yet I'm sure she doesn't realise just how absurd she actually is. Power is a fool to be sure and yet potentially dangerous as she's young and apparently seeks higher office. An unpalatable sort of person it's hard to imagine her finding a lot of political success but then again after Donald Trump, all previous norms seem to be in question.
Power seems to have at one time embraced something of a Leftist vision or hermeneutic for understanding the role of the United States and its empire. Clearly this has been abandoned. Has she made a grand ideological shift, a pendulum swing to the Right? Or is it something more basic... perhaps she just simply sold out. She would hardly be the first to do so.
*Now almost obsolete there is another faction known as the Blue-Dog Democrats who tend to be more fiscally and socially conservative than the party's mainstream. Most of these figures migrated into the Republican Party during the shake-ups and realignments of the 1970's and yet as the GOP continues to move toward the Far Right or in other cases Libertarianism, it's possible the Blue Dogs may make something of a comeback in the DNC. However it's clear the DNC leadership wants to all but drive them out.

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