19 October 2019

Rolling Back the Pink Tide: A Scandal in Colombia, the Anti-Venezuela Media Campaign and the IMF Motivated Protests in Ecuador

Duque working in concert with American Imperialism and its regime change operation in Venezuela has been called out and exposed. The report appears in The Guardian, a publication largely in alliance with the Atlantic Establishment. And yet when it comes to Latin America their editors are clearly comfortable pursuing stories that American media are less likely to emphasise.

This comes at a time when the Ecuadorian crisis is being downplayed. The Hong Kong protests receive around the clock coverage while Ecuador is mentioned briefly as the last story on a BBC Newshour bulletin and mentioned only briefly (and in biased fashion) by outlets like NPR. People are actually dying in Quito. The official death toll is seven but many believe it is much higher and the fighting and unrest grew so bad that president Moreno actually had to remove the government from the capital city.
To be fair, outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post have covered this story but the main 'pop' news outlets (if we can call them that) such as the major television channels have spent less time focusing on Ecuador even while they've given excessive coverage to Hong Kong.
And why is this? It's tied in with the pseudo-intelligence and propaganda being pushed by figures like Colombia's Duque. There is an active campaign in Latin America to rollback the so-called Pink Tide. And it's been largely successful. Venezuela represents the biggest setback and yet even 'setback' must be qualified. While the government hasn't been ousted, the society and economy have been effectively destroyed.
Correa, the former president of Ecuador while not of the same dissident calibre as someone like Evo Morales or the now deceased Hugo Chavez nevertheless irritated Washington with his policies and his sheltering of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in the London Ecuadorean embassy. Moreno his successor is effectively a Washington proxy and thus his brutal crackdown on the protests in Quito is getting a media pass. If anything US officials are condemning the protestors. Is it a stretch to suggest that if the police in Moscow were behaving as the police in Quito there would be extensive news coverage and loud condemnations being heard in every Western capital?
These things have to be remembered as we watch the news. There is a value to the information and the footage made available but mainstream outlets cannot be trusted. Some like CNN are particularly bad. FOX is of the same calibre though with a different emphasis. The BBC represents another angle. It's very informative at times but also very biased when it comes to its coverage of certain issues.
There's a real conflict going on in Latin America. Brazil, Ecuador and Venezuela are the front lines. Colombia, Washington's chief proxy in the region was also the scene of conflict for many years and even now is in danger of falling back into a state of guerilla war and campaigns of counter-insurgency.
Duque, a US asset is along with figures like Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro leading the charge. But in this case, his machinations and those of Langley have been exposed. With the FARC more or less out of the picture the focus has turned on to the lesser known ELN rebel group and the tensions with Bogota are being used to re-kindled the failed fires of the Venezuelan regime change operation and its leader, the now pathetic figure of Juan Guaido.
Was the flawed dossier simply a mistake, a case of non-vetted photographs? What of the ABC report claiming to show fighting in Northern Syria that was exposed to be footage from a North Carolina shooting range? Are these simply mistakes?
One wonders.
It also needs to be remembered that the Ecuadorian protests are a result of austerity policies on the part of Moreno, primarily with regard to fuel subsidies. What motivated these moves on the part of Moreno? All agree the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has played a key part in this. This is how the IMF works. It forces austerity on poor nations, and forces open their doors to Western corporations. This is how nations are subjugated and these policies are implemented by surrogates such as Moreno who are handsomely compensated.
And yet what is the IMF? Along with the World Bank, these two financial organisations are powerful tools in the hands of the Western Corporatocracy. Yes, other nations beyond the West hold membership but a study of how these organisations function, vote, establish and execute power demonstrate they are rigged toward Western domination. This is why China and others have sought to establish rival institutions, which themselves represent a real threat to Western power.
And yet the financing for these loans comes ultimately from the private sector and large financial institutions, the banks that dominate Wall Street and the stock exchanges in places like London, Paris, Frankfurt and Milan. Once again, those who profit from these markets, from these stock indices are benefitting from their policies and machinations. The next time you look at your 401K, think about the dead people on the streets of Quito, or people dying in Africa because of manipulated food prices and ask yourself some questions about blood money and usury.
When farmers and other working poor whose livelihoods have been destroyed by trade deals and forced globalisation throw in the towel and head for Europe or America... what should we think of those with stock portfolios and jobs connected to this Establishment as they cry foul and call on state violence to block these people, these refugees of imperialism from entering the West? And what do they get when they get here? For most it's paltry work, hand to mouth living and broken families. It's a tragedy but given the complexity of today's world few are able to really understand what's happening or take it in.
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