08 October 2019

Elizabeth Warren's Wall Street Socialism

The Right continues to taut the 'Socialism' of millionaires like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. These politicians advocate a form of social democracy which actually falls within Centrist orbits in the rest of the world. They are advocates of the market and finance capital. What they're arguing for is that the state as an organising principle should pool some of society's excess profits and redistribute them to the poorest elements of society.

That's socialism some would argue. It's redistribution. Note, they're only advocating a skimming off of profits through the form of taxation and using some of the moneys for social programmes. Not for a moment are they advocating the state seizure of the means of production and the liquidation, redistribution or nationalisation of the banks, utility companies and the like... which is what actual socialists advocate.
What they're really suggesting is a form of patronage which is in principle opposed to socialism as it retains the classes and even the radical class distinctions. The rich don't have to give up anything substantial. They're only making a sacrifice in terms of a portion of their profits and these 'handouts' are not going to bring the poor into the middle class. Rather, they're merely going to enable them to survive.
And of course actual socialism rejects the idea of 'handouts' but instead argues on the basis of a different theory of labour and value and thus the 'handouts' are actually justly earned remunerations. Neither Sanders, Warren or Ocasio-Cortez argue along these lines. These are all people advocating market based positions that fall well within the capitalist orbit.
It's unspoken but I sincerely believe there's an understanding that if the poor are brought too low, then civil unrest and revolution will follow. Though some seem to think such things won't happen here, those who have even a basic familiarity with history will know better.
These patronage/redistribution schemes are more stop gaps rather than any sort of principled execution of principles or ideology. Sanders is notorious for waxing vague or falling silent when pressed for details. Is he being surreptitious? I think not. I think he's running a campaign and once in office would cut a compromise deal that would amount to little more than some bread crumbs... patronage on the part of the rich. He has no plan. He has no real principles. He has a sense of injustice and makes popular appeals but since he's unwilling to mount an existential challenge to the system, he has nothing to actually offer.  
There's no serious challenge of the Wall Street order nor the military-imperialist order wedded to it. Sanders and Warren don't actually stand for anything. If they do stand for something it is ironically... the Establishment. In the end all they're doing is to make sure the Left sticks with the increasingly Right-wing Democratic Party. That's no revolution and it's certainly not socialism.
Warren retains a great deal of her wealth in the form of bonds and mutual funds. So in other words she's profiting from the fees and taxes being paid by the public to support infrastructure. Additionally as a holder of mutual funds she's invested in the full Wall Street spectrum, from resource and utility companies to the military industrial complex. She's a millionaire and in terms of her Leftist credentials and claims... she's exposed as a complete and utter fraud.
These people are members of the 1% and while they pander to the masses as they campaign, their own rhetoric and lifestyle choices indicate they are unprincipled and certainly willing to compromise. If they were willing to 'give up' their wealth, assets and lifestyles they would have already done so in principle. The idea that an ultra-Leftist (as she's portrayed) would own a $3 million dollar home and be worth more than $10 million dollars is ridiculous.
The American political spectrum has shifted so far to the Right that wealthy pro-Capitalist, pro-militarists who do little more than argue that some largesse should be shared with poor are cast as ultra-Left socialists, the close cousins of Marx and Lenin and are identified with the crimes of Mao and Stalin.
What's sadder? The fact that people on the American Left believe this is socialism? They're being duped. Or perhaps the fact that Right-wing leaders, teachers and ministries are so dumb and ignorant of history and politics that they think this is socialism? Or is the real shame that they know better and yet they're willing to tell bald-faced lies in order to score political points and manipulate their ignorant audiences?
The continued equation of Sanders and Warren with Socialism is to put it simply, a travesty.
The term's usage has reached a point of absurdity. It's become almost a catch-all for anything in opposition to the Right. Recently our 'Christian' Right-wing congressman responded in the newspaper to the Trump impeachment inquiry. He referred to the move by Pelosi as a 'socialist tactic'.
What in the world does the Trump impeachment have to do with socialism or socialist tactics? Nothing. It's just become a form of invective and such confusion is percolating and permutating throughout society and it has entered into the Church with little resistance. Once again, so much for Christian 'worldview' as the Church seems to be very fertile ground for the most juvenile and obsequious forms of propaganda and manipulation. And the 'worldview' teachers are often the very people promoting the lies. I don't know about you but lying isn't in accord with a Christian 'worldview'.
This is judgment. What will it take to wake people up?
Elizabeth Warren is not a socialist. In fact socialism isn't even a part of the American political spectrum. Once that's finally acknowledged maybe a real discussion can begin.

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