23 February 2020

The Iranian Collaborators: Constantine's Agents in the Realms of Shapur

Shapur II, the Sassanian king of Persia (today's Iran) brutally persecuted Christians in the 4th century. Under previous Sassanian and Parthian rulers, Christians had more or less known peace. Persecuted by Rome, the Persian lands were for many a haven and it was an important seat of early Christianity.

But in 313 everything changed. Constantine 'converted' and Christianity was not only tolerated but promoted and became tied to the state. This would not become formal until later, but the trajectory under Constantine was all too clear. For the Persians this meant the Christians living in their empire were now a potential Fifth Column and as such were perceived as being potentially disloyal, even treacherous. Rome once the persecutor now had the potential to be viewed as a political saviour and Shapur knew that during the next Roman-Persian conflict, there was a chance that some Christians might aid Rome with everything from intelligence to guerilla warfare.
The Constantinian tradition continues to ignore this lesson and ongoing reality, that the politicisation of the Church leads to persecution. Never mind the fact that politicisation flies in the face of the New Testament and ethically speaking represents an abandonment of core Christian concepts. The practical outworkings are to re-define the Church and its mission and to place Christians in oppositional polities in imminent danger.
Tehran and Washington have been at odds since the 1979 Revolution, itself the outworking of Western manipulations and interventions going back to WWII. In reaction to the brutal Western backed regime of the Shah, the Shiite Revolutionaries installed a brutal authoritarian regime headed by the ayatollahs. They continue to fear Western intrigues and military aggression. While their actions around the Middle East are often painted as aggression by the West, the truth is they are playing a game of chess and their moves and actions are largely anticipatory and defensive seeking to counter the United States and its regional ally-proxy Israel.
That said, the simmering tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have intensified and have widened into a regional Cold War with various proxy spin-offs. Saudi Arabia if of course a close ally of the United States and a close (but quiet) ally of Tel Aviv. Additionally the United States has repeatedly painted Iran as 'evil' and to make matters worse has militarily invaded the nations on its eastern and western borders, namely Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iran fears overt attack as well as infiltration and while the regime tolerates historic ethnic Christian communities like the Assyrians and Armenians, there is a marked hostility to Western-connected Evangelical groups. They are viewed as conduits for Western influence and money and remember money played a large role in the protests that took place in 1953, the events that overthrew the democratically elected Mosaddegh and installed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah.
Iranian evangelicals should be striving to distance themselves from Western connections and eliminate even the perception of Western influence and money being behind their groups.
But that's not what's happening. Instead we find dolled up activists meeting Trump and sitting on stage with Right-wing Evangelical groups known for their hostility to Iran and in general terms what can only be described as rapacious militarism.
The imagery is poignant. It's one thing to abandon the hijab and the Iranian chador, but to see these short-skirted heavily painted women emulating what has become Right-wing femininity... a femininity that has nothing to do with modesty... is also telling.
These Iranian Evangelicals decided to speak publically in condemnation of the regime and not just publically but in forums connected to those who would wage war against the regime and overthrow it. Appealing to human rights and the principles of Western Liberalism they have chosen the United States as the venue of their public activism. They could have given their talks in Mexico, Canada or France but no, they decided to meet in the United States with those groups connected to Donald Trump and those that have most loudly praised his murder of Iranian Quds force general Qassem Soleimani.
Apparently they are either blind to the meaning of their actions or are willing collaborators, acting in hope of a US military regime change operation, hoping that such a move will bring freedom to the Church... and Western style cultural and political reforms no doubt.
They are precisely the reason Iran is paranoid. Their actions give credence to every Iranian fear that Evangelicals are connected to the enemy and are likely working to subvert their government.
These Iranian Evangelical activists are not only completely misguided in their understanding of Christian ethics and the role of the Church in politics but they are also collaborators and even dupes, working with and being used by powerful forces that would overthrow the government of their country in order to exploit its geopolitical position and its resources. They're trading one evil for another and while Tehran may be no friend to Christians, their friends in Washington actually have far more blood on their hands.
They represent a confusion that has become all too typical in Evangelical circles.
There is a Charismatic revival taking place across the Middle East. There are many reports of conversions especially in Iran. And yet one cannot help but have somewhat mixed feelings when reading and hearing the reports. So often the conversions seem to have little to do with the Word, with the foolishness of preaching but seemed tied to sensational visions... visions which spawn conversions which in turn lead to rather dubious actions.
It would seem Christianity for many is a sort of magic ticket to Westernisation. I hope that's not the case and I don't mean to be unkind, cynical or overly critical. The Holy Spirit can work in whatever way He chooses but there's something amiss in this movement. I have very mixed feelings about it. I continue to watch and wait but I'm uneasy about what I'm seeing. 
It's a question I've asked before. Is the stage being set for a great global revival or perhaps something more akin to The Great Apostasy? By their fruits you will know them.
The American Empire and American Evangelicalism (they go together) are evil and subversive to the faith. If the 'spirit' is leading all these vision inspired groups to embrace these dark spiritual forces... then it's not the Holy Spirit that's guiding them.
I hope the Christians in Iran will distance themselves from these activists and publically rebuke them. Their collaborations are literally a call to arms and bloodshed and yet (sadly and ironically) they have the blood of fellow Christians on their hands. That does not excuse the evil conduct of the regime but it does not alleviate the guilt of those who would scheme with Beasts for the sake of gain.
See also:

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