09 April 2021

Venezuela, China, and Hypocritical Linkages


The hypocrisy of this story beggars belief. While this Vatican-connected website is sometimes the source of interesting news, at others time it becomes nigh on ridiculous – and this is one of those times.

Despite all the talk of Bergoglio-Francis being a crypto-Marxist and the like, the Vatican is waging an aggressive propaganda war that is in keeping with the Atlanticist campaigns against China, Russia, and any other nation that is in their orbit. Venezuela is certainly part of this campaign and US Right-wing frustrations have reached a fever pitch as they have been unable to oust the Maduro regime – the last-gasp continuation of the hated Chavez project of Bolivarianism.

Does China exploit poor workers in Venezuela? Of course they do but this charge is absurd because the entire Western economy is built on that very model. Its wealth and power rest upon the exploitation and subjugation of the weak. To ignore this while charging China with moral compromise is itself a travesty and rooted in deceit.

Everything you read about in the article is merely an echo of what the US government and Wall Street do in other countries. It can be safely said, the Chinese learned how to do it by simply taking note of American, British, and other Western practices.

Just because the Xi-led CCP is an evil regime does not permit those who would stand for righteousness to employ lies and deceit in order to score political points and outrage their targeted audiences. And that's exactly what is happening here.

And then to obscure or ignore US evils perpetrated within the country, its repeated attempts to overthrow the government and its policies which have helped to break the Venezuelan economy – a move which has generated more suffering than anything China may have done – is a violation of basic moral standards and even common sense. It's obscene and unworthy of anyone professing Christianity. One could say something about Roman Catholicism at this point and the organisation's long history of deceit – but they're hardly alone. Their Evangelical co-belligerents are no better.

Lies and hypocrisy are utilised to build a moral order. Let us do evil that good may come. It's the old mantra of Sacralist Christianity. It does nothing to combat evil. It simply multiplies it.

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