01 November 2022

The Mastriano Campaign: From Sacrilege to Blasphemy

An Associated Press story ran in Friday's paper on 'Contrasts in faith' in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race. The article echoed a point that many others have already made – that Doug Mastriano's political rallies are being blended with what must be described as an Evangelical-style worship service.

One has to wonder then if Mastriano is indeed the candidate of God's choosing – what does that say when he loses? And as these are all flag-waving super-patriots, one has to ask how committed they are to the democratic idealism of the Founders when they are willing to challenge the validity of elections – and we've already seen that Mastriano is quick to identify the opposition as evil. History, if not common sense reveal that democracy cannot function in such a context.

There are problems all down the line – from the assumptions made by American Evangelicals, to the embrace of Right-wing thinking and policies (at the expense of Biblical ideals and ethics), to the theologized-mythology that these people embrace with regard to the United States, its founding, history, and so-called Exceptionalism.

Mastriano for his part has devoted his life to opposing New Testament Christianity though such a statement would lead him baffled. From his career in military and government, to his deceit in the realm of academia and politics, to his anti-Christian ethics regarding the Christian call to love neighbour, to his outright embrace of Christo-Fascism in his support (and particular spin) of Trumpism, one is left to conclude that Mastriano is not only deluded but dangerous.

The blending of Christian imagery and language with nationalism has a now long-established tradition. It is a heritage of sacrilege to be sure, dragging down and confusing the heavenly (as it were) into earthly concerns over land borders, gold, pride of nation, and things on that order. It is a profanation of the Kingdom presented in the New Testament – a dangerous distraction (if one wishes to be charitable), and a destructive murderous heresy if one wishes to be blunt.

But even with this long established error we're witnessing a transformation. I must say Mastriano's candidacy has probably concerned me even more than the Evangelical support for Trump. Once again, Mastriano is smarter, more articulate, and more doctrinally driven than the self-absorbed brat that is the ex-president.

Mastriano puts Bible verses on his campaign signs and it's clear he has overwhelming support from the Christian community in this state – a sad testimony to its fallen state and continued flirtation with apostasy. I was not surprised to see Iron Sharpens Iron Radio invite him on as a guest with the show titled: A Christian's Only Choice When Voting for Governor of Pennsylvania.

In actuality Mastriano is someone no Christian should support. In fact he must be opposed. This is not to say that our opposition comes in the ballot box as we have no business sanctioning the system by participating in it. However, Church leaders should be warning their congregations about Mastriano and the dangerous error he represents – but of course the exact opposite is what we're seeing.

But it's bringing judgment nonetheless.

The AP story reports that Mastriano "was introduced at a church-hosted event near Pittsburgh by a pastor who mixed Christian and political imagery: 'Get ready for a great 'blood of Jesus' red wave!'"

That's not just the normal sacrilege we've come to expect from these deceived deceivers. This is outright blasphemy. This is to equate the GOP and all that it stands for – its mammonism, militarism, usury, deceit, violence, and fiscal thievery as being part and parcel with the gospel and thus the Kingdom of Christ. This pastor outside of Pittsburgh, has equated the party with salvation itself. This is not just sacrilege but soteriological heresy. These people have literally lost their minds and are being handed over to a reprobate mind. Their consciences are seared. Church leaders need to denounce this stuff – even if you lose half or three-quarters of your congregation. Because guess what? If people are siding with this filth, then you don't want them there anyway. The only reason they're still there is because you haven't been faithfully preaching the Word.

I'm not speaking of politically motivated preaching but rather teaching through the text and applying the doctrines and ethics of New Testament Christianity. These people won't have it and they will leave because in the end they (like Mastriano) hate Christ and His Kingdom. They hate him and have instead sought to supplant him by means of a counterfeit made in their image.

This is such a dangerous and critical time for the American Church. I'm sure all of these men would agree with that statement but they have completely misread the situation. Thinking they serve Christ they have in fact been deceived into labouring with all their lives and energy for the false construct, the counterfeit Kingdom known as Mystery Babylon.

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