17 April 2024

Bannon Abroad


In some respects this is a 'nothing' story. In the grand scheme of things it's minor and yet it provides a glimpse, a quick snapshot of the kinds of things that are happening - everywhere and in unexpected places. It also reveals some more information about the larger Trumpite movement and the activities of operatives like Steve Bannon.

Additionally, one needs to consider the context of all this - Italy is presently under a Right-wing coalition government and the leading party, the Meloni-led FdI falls within the orbit of fascism and its roots are found within the historical movement and even the remnants of the Mussolini government.

The school reminds me of CasaPound, Forza Nuova, and other Neo-Fascist movements and institutions which seem to be emerging on a regular basis.

This in part explains the public opposition but this is further explained by the fact that the school has camped out in a historic monastery - no doubt a deliberate move on the part of this school that claims to be defending the 'Judeo-Christian' West. If the school was located in a business park or a warehouse on the edge of town it would probably not generate the same kind of reaction.

The American public has a poor grasp of history and this statement is applicable to both sides of the political aisle. But the Right in particular knows little of its own history as well as the history of Right-wing politics outside the United States. European sensibilities are far different and the public is better informed. This is not to say that Europe is absent all revisionism as clearly this is not the case. The Right is clearly resurgent. And yet, this sets off alarm bells in Europe that do not even exist within the United States. The handful of conservatives and otherwise Right-wing politicians that have sounded the alarm have been dismissed and are despised.

The Trump-influenced Right-wing movement is growing - at least across the greater European-influenced world. And yet it is also affecting nationalist anti-liberal movements in places like Africa. This is how it starts - through seemingly innocuous experiments and small-scale institutions like think tanks, schools, youth camps - venues where people can meet and exchange ideas. It's all harmless enough on one level, but when these seemingly harmless outlets begin to operate as arms and expressions of larger, more organized, and increasingly militant political movements, they become a problem. Right now everything is in flux and thus even small developments are worthy of consideration. Bannon is off the radar for most folks but he's not idle. He's still part of Team Trump but to be honest Bannon is already thinking well beyond Trump. Trump for him a tool, a means and not an end. Trump is also a ridiculous and buffoonish figure and one that will be (regardless of the outcome of this year's election) gone from the scene before the 2030's. Bannon may be absurd but he's quite serious. Never forget that. He's doesn't need the money and he's not really looking for fame. He truly believes in the politics he promotes.

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