29 April 2024

More Worldly Wisdom from Ramsey


Worldliness dominates Ramsey's thinking. 'A good income' is defined not by the New Testament and the ethics of the Kingdom but by the world, as indeed all of Ramsey's thought is dominated by the world's categories and economic theories. The fact that churches use this man's materials for Sunday Schools and the like is not only disgraceful, it's a sign of growing apostasy and the abandonment of Scripture. It's a sign of judgment. This is even while they continue to throw the word 'Biblical' in front of everything they do.

Ramsey never even thinks to challenge the feminist assumptions of this woman... indeed he embraces them. He encourages them by speaking in terms of goals and through his little folksy sayings such as 'if you're not growing you're dying'. In other words get on the treadmill, open your veins, sign on to the bestial system. Because as this repugnant Christ hater often says - that's the way it is, baby.

The words of Christ regarding mammon have no place in his thinking. And that Paul, what a fool he must be in Ramsey's eyes. He didn't set goals for himself. And those faithful ones (in Hebrews 11) who wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, living in deserts, mountains, dens and caves even while being tormented and afflicted - they apparently didn't understand that if you're not growing financially, you're dying. In their poverty and suffering they were but losers in the eyes of Ramsey.

I know people living off $36,000 a year and supporting a family. Maybe they don't live like Dave Ramsey thinks they should. They're not part of the middle class. They certainly don't live in a palace like he does. The Church looks down at such poor people when in fact they should be looking to such people for spiritual wisdom and advice and considering their course and why they might be content to live that way. The Scriptures say that such people should rejoice, but the Babylonian Church despises them.

The average price of a home is a bogus statistic. It's based on middle and upper middle class expectations. There are thousands upon thousands of homes that are markedly less expensive. Spend fifteen minutes online and you can find houses all over the country for under $100,000. They may not be in the most desirable places... maybe not places with jobs that offer high incomes. In other words the entire discussion assumes middle class norms and values. What does such categories and such thinking have to do with New Testament Christians?

In fact home ownership is part of this same bogus middle class white picket fence-American dream package of rubbish that has been sold to the public since the end of World War II - and one the Church has eagerly devoured. There's nothing wrong with renting. I would prefer to rent but where I live it's much cheaper to own a house - monthly payments being much less than rent - and houses in abundance that are less than $100,000. There are (admittedly) other areas in which this reality does not hold true.

The whole 'your house is an investment' mindset is a package sold to the public by the banking industry. For Christians your house is not an investment. It's a roof over your head. It's shelter. People like Ramsey make Christ into a liar. In fact, in the Evangelical world Ramsey inhabits, anyone teaching the views of Christ is rejected and mocked - showing their true corrupted spirit.

The investment mindset is a trap. You have to keep everything 'just so' or you're a bad steward. And if you don't keep it just so, you're a bad person because you're devaluing your neighbour's home as well. They even have people convinced they have to tear their houses apart every ten years or so to 'update'. It's all a big deceit brought to you by the banking and insurance industry along with a conglomerate of appliance and building supply retailers. It's all a big scam - a series of temptations and snares and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. Or as Christ put it, such deceits and the cares of this world choke the word and he who had been a partaker is strangled and becomes unfruitful - and such are in danger of being cast into the fire.

Does Ramsey help his cult to understand this? No he sells it because he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I can tell you one person I know that doesn't make a 'good income' - that would be Dave Ramsey. His is an empire of exploitation and deceit and he has made merchandise of God's people. He is not a purveyor of wisdom but a form of judgment brought to bear on the increasingly apostate section of the Church known as American Evangelicalism. He may be rich, but his riches are corrupted, rusted, and cankered, his garments moth-eaten, and his soul a void. That's the lesson we can learn from the likes of Dave Ramsey.

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