21 April 2024

Trueman's Desecration of Christian Sensibility


Is Trueman still a Protestant? One is baffled by his line of argument. Historically Protestants would have viewed the Roman Catholic temple as a blasphemy and its rites as a desecration of the New Testament. What Trueman is arguing about is sacral categories in terms of society - and who controls the symbols and sacred spaces.

This demonstrates not just the failure of the ecumenical movement (which he seems to have signed on to), and the Evangelical movement, but even the Magisterial Reformation which embraced sacralism and all too often adopted the tactic of appropriation when it came to things like steeple-buildings - grand and impressive edifices that are mistakenly referred to as churches.

Trueman has swapped the New Testament concept of the Kingdom of Heaven for Sanctified Babel and it has clouded his thinking at almost every point.

Was this sodomite service an abomination? Of course it was. But that building has never been used for anything other than abomination. Since when (for a Protestant) is the Catholic Mass anything but an abomination?

Remove the culture war element and what do we have here? We have pagans (Baal worshippers) overrunning the Dan and Bethel shrines. Is this desecration? Is this something that should upset us? The fact that the priests of Bethel are openly allying with the Babylonians actually helps to clarify things.

Did Trueman think that somehow if Bethel was cleaned up a bit it would be alright? Does he think that we should form an alliance with Bethel-Samaria in order to win the day?

Has he entirely lost his senses? A once helpful teacher and insightful thinker his more recent crossing of the Dominionist-Sacralist line has seemingly destroyed his judgment and it shows in the downgraded nature of his work and in the alliances he seeks to form.

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