26 December 2019

Anti-Sodomite Vigilantism in Brazil

Though few leaders are going to come out and openly support it, I believe many American Evangelicals support this type of Christian-on-Pagan violence, or would if given the chance. They're frustrated, they've had it and they want to lash out. Frankly the theology and culture promoted by Evangelicalism leads to this. It fosters vengeance. From the lawsuit and politics to the gun and the glorification of the military, Evangelicalism has embraced violence and power and has chosen to completely ignore if not negate the ethics of the New Testament.
With regard to Brazil, at this point we're not sure the fire was started by 'Christian' vigilantes but there's every reason to believe that it was.

As frustrating as it is to live in our sodomite culture, the truth is these actions are sinful and profoundly un-Christian. Yes, the sodomites commit blasphemy and mock Christ. He endured it and calls us to do the same. But what we're not called to do is take vengeance. Neither Brazil nor America are covenant lands or the Holy congregations. The example of Phinehas is an erroneous one. That was in the context of the covenant people and within their camp. But in the New Testament we're also told that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal... but spiritual.
Do you know who our Phinehas is? It is Christ. Christ is our avenger. He is the one who will strike down the wickedness. But he is merciful and longsuffering and he calls on us to wait, to be patient, to endure it and to be faithful. We're called to take up our cross and bear it, to follow His pattern and glorify His Name. Preach the Word, condemn the sin and if necessary pay the price but we are not to raise a hand or take up the sword.
We cannot witness to the lost of the world when we're bombing them, arresting them and burning them in the name of righteousness. We do a disservice to the gospel, we discredit its message, and ultimately we harm ourselves.
The answer to such a blasphemous film is simple. Don't watch it. Tell others why you won't watch it. Encourage them to not watch it. Wage war with the Word of Truth. Don't call on the police, the courts or the army to apply justice. They cannot and they will not. All they can do anyway is bring vengeance.
In terms of Providence it's this state-vengeance that keeps the world from mass slaughter. Let them see to it. If the lost want to punish sodomy, I will not weep but I will not support it either. If the lost want to execute criminals, so be it but we don't 'support' it either.
We submit to Providence on these points and accept the state for what it is... a necessary evil in this present evil age. All unrighteous violence is evil and the state is not righteous. It cannot be. It has nothing to do with the covenant. It is not sanctified, it is not the realm of the Holy Spirit. We cannot celebrate what it does but it's a necessary (albeit temporary) entity in a Fallen age. It will pass in the fires of Parousia. It ministers in the sense of common grace, just as Neronian Rome was a 'minister' (as Paul wrote), just as Assyria, Persia and Babylon were also 'ministers'... and yet Beasts. So it is with Brazil and America. As pilgrims, we have nothing to do with them. We are called to non-resistance, an imperative that calls on us to be cross-bearers and martyr-witnesses, to eschew politics and mammon, the sword and bondage to Caesar's coin.
What's even more sad is this kind of vigilantism is being encouraged by the words and posturing of Jair Bolsonaro. The Brazilian Church thinks he's a gift from God. In reality he, like Donald Trump are forms of Judgment... God's Judgment on already apostate ecclesiastical bodies and teachers. He's handing them over and letting them give themselves over to sin. Consciences are being destroyed and it's playing out in their ethics and permeating their thinking. Their prophets prophesy falsely and they love to have it so.

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