24 January 2020

A White Helmeted Fog

In November 2019, James Le Mesurier the founder of the White Helmets fell to his death from a balcony in Istanbul. With good reason, many people believe he was murdered and given that these events took place in Istanbul, many have pointed to the Erdogan government.

And yet there's little reason to believe the Turkish government was hostile to Le Mesurier and the movement he was involved with. The White Helmets along with the London based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) were the two primary propaganda outlets for the Western media campaign against Assad, a role that has now been assumed by outlets such as Bellingcat among others. Erdogan was hostile to Assad and openly backing some of the Islamist forces behind him. Additionally the 'rebels' operating in the White Helmet friendly zones were (and are) hostile to the Kurdish SDF-YPG militias... Erdogan's enemies within the theatre. So in other words, it makes sense that Le Mesurier started and trained the White Helmets within Turkey and the nation functioned as their logistics base.
Given the souring of relations between Ankara and Washington I don't doubt for a moment that American media outlets were both quick and keen to place the blame for his death on Erdogan. However, I am inclined to think there were other forces with much stronger motives that sought his death. Indeed it's surprising to me that the media hasn't attempted to turn this into yet another Anti-Putin campaign. He as an ally of Assad, would certainly have an interest in seeing Le Mesurier out of the picture.
Whether it was Moscow, Damascus or even Tehran, Le Mesurier had plenty of enemies. His organisation was effectively an ally of al Qaeda-affiliated elements within Syria and the White Helmets have been repeatedly exposed as staging false attacks and making false claims. Some members of the White Helmets have also been caught on camera while directly involved and participating in Salafist violence.
Even the OPCW revealed the fraudulent nature of one of the chemical attacks in 2019 as it called into question the official narrative. Time and time again these attacks which are pinned on Syrian or Russian air strikes are revealed to be launched from the ground... indicating a false flag.... or in some cases there's reason to believe the attacks were entirely false and the injuries and dramatic footage little more than staged.
Tareq Haddad the ex-Newsweek reporter who tried to call attention to the OPCW whistleblower was blocked by his editors indicating a reticence on the part of Western media to go against the official narrative. Whether this is self-censorship or direct control is still an open question. For Haddad's part, he quit and has gone public exposing the blatant corruption and bias in Corporate Media newsrooms.
Le Mesurier was no idealistic philanthropist heading a humanitarian organisation. No, Le Mesurier who seems to have made a career operating within war zones and in connection with regime change operations was affiliated with intelligence outfits on both sides of the Atlantic, for both the British and former NSC member Richard Clark as a private security consultant. His White Helmets are partisans in the fight. They take sides and operate freely within the zones controlled by Tahrir-al Sham, an umbrella organisation that is compromised of al Qaeda affiliated militias. These are the 'allies' the US is so often talking about. The media is always quick to mention the Syrian Kurds of the SDF/YPG militias and yet the 'other allies' in places like Idlib are little more than al Qaeda. Even figures within the US government admit this but the Western media never explains this when they show their pictures and give their reports regarding the Syrian government's campaign to retake the northwestern enclave.
The fact that Le Mesurier's White Helmets operate openly in the Salafi militant zones shouldn't surprise us. He's been around for awhile and worked with some of these same elements over twenty years ago in Kosovo.... another one of Washington's dirty wars based on yet another endless series of lies and propaganda.
Western media has attempted to scrub and spin Le Mesurier's record and if anything the story has been suppressed and has after just a matter of weeks all but faded away. When the story does come up, the focus is on Russia and their attempts to flood the web with conspiracy theories and to mislead the Western public. It would seem the lies never end and there is no shame. The narrative cannot be challenged and now that there are solid bogeymen in place, the Mainstream media plays that card endlessly. However, the truth runs contrary to their narrative. Not only was Le Mesurier an intelligence agent but the White Helmets aren't what people think. In addition to being affiliated with al Qaeda elements, the people on the ground in Syria have nothing nice to say about them. Of course given that Netflix put out a movie on them and they were being promoted for a Nobel Prize there are some serious people (with significant influence and investment) with their reputations on the line. To put it another way, it's too late to back-track on the narrative. The White Helmets must be heroes. No matter what is revealed, Western media outlets are going deny, spin, lie or do whatever they have to do to protect their integrity and the reputations of various monied supporters.
In some respects it was a fitting end to Le Mesurier's endeavours. He lived by the sword and died by it and certainly the Syria Regime Change operation or proxy war has resulted in failure. Hundreds of thousands have died and yet had Assad been ousted, the fallout might have been even worse.
There have been suggestions that Le Mesurier had fallen out with certain of his backers and there's has been some suggestion that his failures may have made him enemies on all sides. This is usually said in connection with his 'depression' and the like, suggesting that his fall was indeed a suicide. Well again I seriously doubt that. It wouldn't be the first time corruption had resulted in retribution from former backers and allies but I haven't seen any evidence for this as of yet.
Based on everything I've heard and read I don't believe this to be the case but of course it is always a possibility. Who killed him and why may never be known. But his death seems to mark the end of one of the final chapters in what has been a long and terrible episode, a tragic and wholly unnecessary war that was instigated, fomented and aggravated by figures like Le Mesurier and the Western Deep State he was connected to. If he was killed by Western intelligence agencies as some have suggested, it would have to be part of a 'clean slate' strategy. Dead men tell no tales and if Le Mesurier's world was crumbling he might have shot his mouth off and worried some that he was getting ready to write a book or talk off script. If the operation was nearing the end of its shelf life and there were messes that needed to be cleaned up... that might explain it.
All that said, the obvious culprit would be the Assad regime. However if they really wanted him dead and had the means (with Russian help or not) to get to him.... why wait until the end of 2019? It would seem they would have wanted him gone back in 2014. That simple fact gives one pause and drives one to consider other players and other motives.
Murders and deaths are always tragic but it's hard to weep for those who spent their lives profiting on the deaths of others and played (at the very least) an indirect role in so many.
See also:

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