09 January 2020

VCY-CrossTalk Chaos

Here's the summary for the 9 January 2020 radio show:
Jim finished yesterday’s Crosstalk by reading Psalm 20:7:
‘Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.’
As Dr. Gary Frazier mentioned earlier this week, we’re seeing both an increase in the frequency and intensity of the events that point to the return of Christ.  The Bible also tells us that things will get worse and people will go about deceiving and being deceived.  
So while our nation still has its strengths, particularly from a military standpoint, ultimately we need to remember the name of the Lord our God, especially as we see what’s unfolding in our nation and the world.
With this in mind, Jim asked listeners to call in and share what they believe is the Scripture verse/verses our nation needs in such a time as this.

We'll ignore the fact that the Esther reference to 'such a time as this' has been abused and beat to death, to the point of no longer having any meaning, but what's really troubling is the pronoun usage. It indicates confusion and yet it has become all too typical. I hear this sort of confused talk on a daily basis.
In Psalm 20, the 'we' is in the context of the covenant people of God. Even though it's Old Testament Israel it is fully applicable to today's 'Church' context.  
But is it applicable to America or any other nation? Is Jehovah the God of America? Is He the God of America in the way he is not in reference to other nations? Does America have some special claim?
The CrossTalk people would say 'yes' and point to America's history. It's a 'Christian nation' they say.
Of course when evaluated in light of the New Testament, this claim is found to be wanting. There are no Christian nations. It's impossible, an oxymoron. In fact 'we' the Church is contrasted with the sword of the state in Romans 12-13. 'We' the Church is also contrasted with those 'outside' in 1 Corinthians 5 where we're told that God will judge them. We're not to judge them. We're not to bring vengeance on them and thus we don't use their courts and look for justice or vengeance from them either. We have nothing to do with them. We certainly can't 'take over' the reins of the state. The state is the sword and thus we are to have nothing to do with it.
Additionally even in light of Old Testament covenant theology what nation ever had the right to 'claim' the Lord, and what nation did so on the basis of their own terms and their own ideas. God does the choosing. What prophet appeared and selected America?
We don't even need to delve the absurdity of this 'Christian America' claim and its mythological history. The connections drawn by the mythmakers between the Mayflower Pilgrims and 1776 are comical if the implications weren't so tragic and dire. The idea that a 'covenanted' land establishes its basis of authority on concepts like the democratic social contract, the consent of the governed, libertarian freedom, the pursuit of happiness and so-called rights... all established by theft and murder on a massive scale... and all this in the name of God and daring to claim his blessing? All one can say is 'wow'.
I suppose the mythmakers, Scripture twisters and wolfish theologians that spin the lies and generate the fog don't think they'll have to answer for this?
People will indeed deceive and be deceived. Their own words condemn them.
'Our' nation. How is that connected to Psalm 20 or to the Church? If we're pilgrims and strangers, citizens of the Kingdom that is not of this world, that is maintained by servants that 'do not fight' or 'take up the sword'... how then is this 'our' nation? And how pray tell is it 'our' military. In fact such language, such a claim is literally sacrilege if not blasphemous.
The Church or the Kingdom of Christ is the only 'we' that can claim unity with the 'we' referenced in the Psalms.
Why speak about remembering the Name of the Lord? You've forgotten it. You've let the world, its thinking and its values define who you are and how you reason. This isn't Christian Worldview. This is lost bankrupt thinking that has been given a cheap patina, a faux baptism.
I have a verse. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. This programme is judgment. These teachers are false prophets. These are serious times and we need serious leaders and critical Biblically based thinking.
But what does CrossTalk provide? Chaos. They're doing the work of Satan and I say that with no hesitation or apology. I've listened to far too many of their shows. The vast majority of them promote error of this type.
Their Christo-American confusion results in sin. They literally teach that it's okay to lie, cheat, kill and steal as long as it's all under the aegis of American interests, the forces of the market or the strength of the party. Like the false prophets of old they tell their listeners that it's okay.... peace, peace.... God is with us. He's on our side. We're the people of God. We've done nothing wrong. It's those other people, the ones in the other countries, members of the other party, the lazy poor people... they're the ones who are bad and bringing judgment on 'our' nation. They've made an idol out of America and they will fall with it. They've covenanted themselves not to the God of Scripture but to the false Christ of Christo-America. And they will perish with it when it goes down in flames.
They speak of Christ's return, do they not know it's is a Day of Doom?

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