02 January 2014

Obama and The Left

The Obamacare We Deserve at ICH

I realize Michael Moore is less than popular in Christian circles and I will be the first to admit that his documentaries, while humourous are hardly objective, responsible or journalistic. That doesn't mean that they're completely false either.

The silliness is probably more of a commentary on the state of American audiences than Michael Moore. The average American can't sit through a real newscast (there aren't any on American television) let alone a real documentary. And this zombie-ish-ness is by no means restricted to 'liberal' audiences. All you have to do is watch a few hours of FOX if you have any doubts, or even better listen to some Rush Limbaugh, Beck or for a real straining of the old IQ... Sean Hannity.

Anyway, Moore's comments here are interesting. Whether you agree with him or not he's a mainstream figure that has finally mustered the courage to say what most leftists refuse to say....the Affordable Care Act is a complete fiasco and almost no one is going to benefit from it outside the insurance industry. I know I'm not. I'm one of the several million Americans who fall through the proverbial crack. My wife and I will continue to have no health care other than procedures we can pay cash for or a desperate trip to an Emergency Room where we get completely ripped off and handed a bill that is nothing less than criminal. And I'm not using hyperbole or speaking metaphorically. I absolutely mean what I say when I refer to it as criminal. And that's pretty much how I view the insurance and medical industries...and the people who work within them.

The one thing that Moore brings up that you just don't hear people talking about is the fact that the model for what Obama has done was actually created by the mostly Christian-Right Heritage Foundation...the most infamous (or perhaps more rightly notorious) of the Right Wing Propaganda Think Tanks. This was their original plan to counter any attempt to introduce Socialised Medicine...actual socialised, not this dysfunctional hybrid we now have.

Obama has betrayed the Left on almost every issue. It's really reminiscent of Bush's, Clinton, Reagan, and Nixon. They also betrayed their 'bases' in many ways. Something happens when you acquire power. Ideology and the conviction, risk, and rhetoric that go with it evaporate and in the end all these fine people want is to maintain power and get re-elected or to help the next cycle rotating in. It's amazing how the presidents all back up each other and protect their predecessors even when they ran supposedly opposing everything their predecessor stood for.

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