01 March 2014

The Fall of the House of Gothard


Very interesting. The article also mentions Doug Phillips of Vision Forum. Phillips is the son of the late Howard Phillips a name well known in Theonomic and Christian Right circles.

Gothard is (to me) one of the elephants in the room. His influence is more widespread than many people realize. His name has actually become more familiar due to his connections with the Duggars.

There are a lot of people who are really into Vision Forum and some of these other groups but aren't aware of Bill Gothard's influence on them nor the influence of Southern Presbyterianism. Southern being key, because the narrative of a group like Vision Forum is generated by the thoughts and ideas of Robert L. Dabney, James Thornwell, and BM Palmer, all men who had a particular view of theology rooted in the historical and cultural events of the 19th century.

Now, maybe that's just fine, but people should know where their ideas are coming from regard the family, society, and their cultural narratives concerning the Church. Once these things are put together you can start to see why the emphasize things the way they do. And studying these foundations, not a few come to realize they are less the comfortable with the 'Vision' being presented.

In addition, you will begin to see just why the Duggars want to have so many children. I too may believe in large families and living by faith in terms of child-bearing...but the reasons couldn't be more different. Mine is a faith rooted and perhaps even a medical perspective.

Their understanding also concerns the faith but in particular is rooted in the notion of Dominionism and the need to produce culture-warriors.

You shall know a tree by its fruit.

While the foundations of Gothard's system seem to be Biblical, his teaching is in fact an extreme form of legalism... by which I mean extra-Biblical commandments which are turned into Gospel-critical mandates.

In other words if you don't follow the Gothard system, your salvation is somewhat in doubt. Will they say that openly? Probably not, but it shows if you've ever interacted with those influenced by his teaching.

His system is a 'whole-life' model. He's a guru on just about every topic you can think of. Practically speaking he might as well be an infallible pope to his followers.

Well, the pope isn't so perfect it would seem.

One can certainly appreciate the desire to apply all the Bible to all of life. But that's not what's happening. Rather than learn Biblical wisdom his followers are taught to follow checklists which aren't generated by the Bible but by Bill Gothard's particular understanding of history and culture.... and I must say that I strongly disagree with him on many points.

In one sense this is very sad, another shameful episode of wolves hurting the flock.

And in another sense if this brings down his whole empire.... praise the Lord.


  1. Just reading that his "ministry" has assets in the millions, disqualifies him as anyone I could look up to while keeping to Scripture's injunctions and warnings.

    I attended Gothard's week-long basic seminar in 1981 as a new born-again believer. It influenced me deeply and for good, because at the time I needed the perspective coming out of rebellion to a Roman Catholic upbringing and several years of youthful debauchery, and indoctrination in feminism at university. The Lord used it for good for me and my husband, but because our hearts were humble, teachable, and seeking Truth. After receiving some good correction about principles of authority, we never really referred to the book again.

    I think that people get into trouble with following men and their teachings, because they are actually following MEN, and seeking something other than real Truth--such as fitting-in, sense of tribal identity, need to validate self in men's eyes, and such. It is a fine line, but a critical line. When we are actually consciously trying to follow, please, and obey Jesus, the Holy Spirit will be faithful to guide us. We can "eat the meat while spitting out the bones" of teachings. Because we genuinely are checking for the witness of the Spirit and of the Word. We can hold for a time to interpretations and beliefs that are erroneous, but we're OK in the grace of God because we are, at the end of the day, lovers of Truth. But some are shipwrecked because something is amiss in their love of Truth.

    I think with grief about Jesus' grief as he looked upon the people of Jerusalem lamenting that they are like sheep without shepherds. People who shipwreck because of such self-proclaimed "leaders" really grieve the Lord Who purchased them. Whatever will the astray-leading hirelings say when they face Him on that great and terrible day?! Woe to them...It's for real that the Scriptures warn us to not desire to be "teachers" and don't be called Rabbi, don't call others Father or Rabbi. We disobey this injunction to great peril!!

    This story is so sad. Let us take heed and beware. Western modern norms for "church" and "Christianity" are being exposed for the frauds that they really are! When will you come out from the whole hot mess?!


    1. I wholeheartedly agree. The money alone is suspect. And you hit on an important point. Not all that he says is bad. Not at all. That's what makes it so dangerous.

      The TBN people are obvious frauds and its just Judgment that they're able to flourish. But, I think people like Gothard represent a more subtle and thus greater danger. I don't mean to be cruel here, but the followers of Osteen are pretty much lost to begin with. Anyone who reads their Bible can watch him for about five minutes and almost intuitively know that he's wrong.

      But Gothard can actually benefit people....at first. But in the end you will be in really bad shape. The lesson also extends to what you're saying about following men. I didn't see it back in the 1990's but for me at the time I practically worshipped many Reformation leaders (and those after) as quasi-saints. They were men, and flawed men. As I grew I began to see how imperfect and flawed they really were.

      Does that mean we despise them? Not necessarily. But we need to understand that men are not perfect and it is great folly to place them on pedestals.

      I'm sure some of Gothard's followers are knowledgeable in the Bible, but the people I encountered know almost nothing (and I mean nothing) about the Bible. But they sure knew all about what the guru said on every issue regarding dress, music etc....

      Very sad.

  2. A link to a podcast discussing some of the Gothard issues. Everyone is being so vague. I wish they would just come out and say (clearly) what it is he is being accused or not accused of. Obviously though there's some real problems on both theological and interpersonal levels.



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