06 January 2018

Plan Honduras

As I'm just finishing a book on the School of the Americas I stumbled across this Intercept article on Honduras. Since the US backed coup in 2009, the entirety of Latin America has been experiencing an episode of 'Rollback'. Right-wing governments are coming into power and as this Honduras episode demonstrates, it would seem the old playbook has been dusted off and reactivated.

The only nation in Latin America that remained 'true' to the United States was Colombia and this was in part due to the presence and activity of the vicious paramilitaries. Their story is rarely told in US media. We hear all about the FARC and their crimes, but the story of the paramilitaries, their connections to the US military and to transnational corporations... that gets buried if reported at all.
Reading about the Tigres and the Cobras I am reminded of previous chapters and I tremble for the people of Honduras. The murder of Berta Caceres has been controversial and few doubt she was killed by Right-wing paramilitaries connected to the state. One is reminded of the murder of Oscar Romero. The real forces behind his death are shielded, protected in the same way as a mafia don shields his orders. And in terms of politics and the media... there's always plausible deniability. If anyone questions the official story they are quickly labeled a 'conspiracy theorist'.
Did the US order the murder of Romero and/or Caceres? You can't prove it but all the signs point to it. If their killings weren't directly ordered by Langley, then at the very least they were approved.
Right-wing governments, a US run intelligence network, paramilitaries and death squads, censorship, rigged elections, drug smuggling,  money laundering, disappearances and assassinations, we've seen this movie before. This is but a new phase of Operation Condor.
See also:

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