15 April 2019

Le Feu: Notre Dame de Paris

In light of the fire at Notre Dame, I thought another perspective was in order so I decided to link this short piece from 2010.

Don't misunderstand me. In terms of culture and history it's tragic and yet theologically and in terms of Biblical Protestant history (as opposed to the Magisterial/Trent narrative)... it is righteous judgment.

What is Notre Dame but a temple to idolatry, a monument to Rome's goddess worship and heresy. Would the Judaeans of old have wept for the burning of a temple to Baal or Ashtoreth?

Should we weep for the 'relics' such as the 'Crown of Thorns'? Should we rejoice when such things are saved? I think not.

For the French of today is the tragedy found in the religious overtones to the fire... the fact that it took place but a day after (so called) Palm Sunday?

Or is it about national pride and its symbolism? For some it will undoubtedly be a bit of both. It's a sad moment in terms of culture, as was the felling of the World Trade Center but we as Christians ought to have a different perspective on these things. We do not rejoice or gloat. If we weep it's because we're called to weep with those who weep. And yet we do not weep for the loss or for what these things stood for.

Once again, it's righteous judgment.

I just sincerely hope that it doesn't turn out that the fire was started deliberately by a Middle Easterner. There will be blood in the streets. Let's hope it was truly an accidental mishap associated with the construction crew.


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