07 April 2019

The Evangelical Blitzkrieg Against the Kingdom of Christ

They think they're doing God service but in fact they're waging war on the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. They have confused power, wealth, prestige and pride with the ethics of the Kingdom. Rejecting the cross they have taken up the sword. They have also taken up the trowel but it's not Jerusalem's walls they seek to rebuild. Instead they're building a new Babel or perhaps they're repairing the breaches of an old one. It's a Babel crowned by a cross of gold, a cross antithetical to the splintered blood stained tool of execution and shame that we're called to bear.

They would 'remind children of our inheritance'. This is blatantly heretical, a syncretisation of Biblical covenantal concepts with the heritage of empire, wealth and power. This is to celebrate a counterfeit kingdom, a nation that seeks to be Zion itself.
They would have us 'go back to the historical documents'.
We can do that and even these will defeat their cases. But let's go further. Let's go back to the New Testament. What will we find? Will we find this Babelised faith, this tribalism and pride in nation, wealth and conquest?
A nation can only become 'Christian' if the term itself is redefined to accommodate a culture and political order. The New Testament knows nothing of this and speaks against the very notion. These folks have rejected New Testament doctrine and spurn the call to be strangers and pilgrims. No, they've set up shop and they have their own mythology and theology to support it. They believe that nations can create covenants with God on their terms no less.
These folks are well meant but sorely misguided and in many cases woefully deceived. It's sad. They expend all their energies on these lesser things, focusing on this world and its passing counterfeit glories. It's hay and stubble but their path is lined with corpses and souls. They have blurred and obfuscated the Kingdom and the sharp distinction that marks it out from the world around us. They have baptised the world and dressed it up in Christian garb. It's another gospel. It's that serious.
We're told to come out from the world and to reject its system and values. They negate these core teachings of the New Testament and believe that because there are more evil varieties of the world system... that therefore their system is moral, virtuous and good.
But if it's not in accord with the New Testament, it's not moral, virtuous or good. And if it's built not just on error and heresy but on lies and historical myths, then what should we think of it?
Ironically these movements are actually anti-Evangelical in that they transform Christianity into geographical tribalism. In their confusion they're falling into the same paradigm as the Orthodox world. To be a Greek is to be Greek Orthodox. To be a Russian is to be Russian Orthodox etc...
Now to an American is to be an Evangelical. But what is an Evangelical? That's another irony. They don't know anymore. By most of their estimations this would now include even conservative and traditionalist Roman Catholics. Anyone who will support the 'Christian America' paradigm and repudiate secularism... they are a Christian.
But that's not how the Bible defines it.
So what do we have here? We have another gospel. We have a group of people led by corrupt political activists (and in some cases blatant frauds) who are promoting a counterfeit version of Christ's Kingdom.
Who's the greater enemy? Ocasio-Cortez? Pelosi? Do they really represent threats to the Christian Church? Are they going to corrupt my thinking and how I read the Bible? No, they're just lost people leading lost people to create yet another Babylon.
But what about Project Blitz and the Evangelical project in general? These are people who promote Christianity but it's a false version of it, a version that twists and often repudiates the ethics of the New Testament and teaches Christians to focus on nationalism and thus as a consequence war, wealth and pride.... and to celebrate these things.
It's a twisted and confusing world in which we live and yet Project Blitz is actually the group assaulting the Kingdom of Christ. They're the real danger. Schumer might take money out of my bank account and regulate my business. Project Blitz will steal my soul and lead me into wasting my life away chasing shadows, winning the battles of the moment but losing the war because in the end those that follow them will lose their way.

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