15 April 2019

Orlandi and the Vatican Scandals of the 1970's and 1980's

I think it unlikely that the true story will ever be told. This notorious case has been overshadowed by one salient fact... the Vatican itself has been the chief force of obstruction to the investigation. These articles contain some valid information but as usual the real meat is found in what is left out.

There was the case of the caller with the American voice who seemed to want the would-be papal assassin Ağca released from prison. And right away we're in a fog because the 1981 assassination attempt is still shrouded in mystery. The official narrative points to the KGB via Bulgaria but many have pointed out the paradigm makes no sense, lacks evidence and cannot account for the involvement on the part of the Grey Wolves, Çatli and other elements which actually point to NATO/American connections... not to the Russians, Eastern Bloc or the KGB.
There are additional elements to the story that are being left out. This was all in the context of the Vatican Bank Scandal and the actions of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus vis-à-vis Banco Ambrosiano. The girl's father worked for the IOR (Vatican Bank), something the ANSA and Guardian articles neglect to mention.
However another Guardian article is more candid:
And yet still inconclusive.
Just the previous summer before Orlandi's disappearance, Robert Calvi 'God's Banker' was found hanging from Blackfriar's Bridge. This too is controversial as the official story (absurdly) states his death was a suicide. These are dark paths riddled with mysteries, lies, misinformation, cover-ups and the like.
Why was Orlandi kidnapped and who benefitted from her death? Was she kidnapped in order to be killed or did something go wrong leading to her death? There are many theories and some of them take a dark and even sordid turn. Organised Crime is definitely involved. The De Pedis story is a saga in itself.
But then this opens up another series of questions with regard to the Mafia-Vatican relationship... and don't forget, the CIA is always hovering in the background especially during this period. Who was the American who called? What American or Americans would want to see Ağca released from prison?
I think the answer is fairly obvious but proving it is something else entirely. Finding Orlandi's bones will not solve the crime.
They've looked for her bones before (in the 2012 De Pedis exhumation) but failed to find them. This case has the potential to force open many a locked chest that the Vatican would keep hidden. It's fascinating but I'm dubious that much will come of it. The curia will continue to protect its secrets.
The crimes of the Vatican stink to the highest heaven.
See also:

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